What's the ad for?
Columbia House
For the first time ever, I give you a two page ad. Who out there used to belong to the Columbia House Record/cassette tape/CD club? Here's a better question. Who out there actually fulfilled the agreement to buy 8 more records/CD or in this case 8-track cartridge/tape cassette/7" reel-to-reel? 7" reel-to-reel?!? According to Wikipedia, these were all the rage in the mid-sixties but with the introduction of the 8-track and the tape cassette they had all but disappeared by the time this ad was run. With the internet and iTunes Columbia House has disappeared. I think I recall joining twice...not sure if I ever fulfilled my part of the agreement.
claygharrison.tumblr.com re-posted the ad with the comment "Stealing music before the internet".